Ashley Borromeo

Inspirational Speaker | Dance Educator | Empowerment Advocate

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Did You Know?

Despite the many benefits, a significant number of adults avoid dancing. Studies show that about 10-15% of adults worldwide feel self-conscious or reluctant to dance in public. This reluctance often stems from social pressures or fear of judgment.

Unlock the Joy of Dance!

Encouraging adults to overcome these inhibitions and embrace the joy of dance, can lead to a healthier, more vibrant, and connected community!

Tap Into Your AbunDANCE

 Dancing Through Life:  

Embracing the D-A-N-C-E Framework

Ashley Borromeo, a seasoned dance instructor, homeschool mom of 3, and life enthusiast will take you on an inspiring journey with her unique D-A-N-C-E framework. This transformative talk explores self-discovery, aligned actions, mindfulness, creativity, and energy, using dance as a metaphor for living life to the fullest.

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Other Topics:

Dancing Through Life: Embracing Joy and Resilience

  • Discover the transformative power of dance in finding joy and resilience in everyday life.
  • Learn practical strategies to incorporate movement and creativity into your daily routine.
  • Embrace the power of dance as a tool for self-expression and stress relief.

The Transformative Power of Dance in Personal Growth

  • Explore how dance can be a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery.
  • Learn how movement and expression can enhance emotional intelligence and self-confidence.
  • Discover the connection between dance, mindfulness, and overall well-being.

Building a Learning Lifestyle: Lessons from Homeschooling

  • Gain insights into the homeschooling journey and its impact on family connection.
  • Learn practical tips for creating a learning lifestyle that nurtures curiosity and lifelong learning.
  • Discover the benefits of personalized education and fostering a love for learning in children.

I'm Ashley Borromeo

I'm a passionate advocate for the transformative power of dance and living a healthy, fun and learning lifestyle.  I bring over 20 years of experience as a dance instructor and life enthusiast. Fueled by a mission to empower individuals to "DANCE Through Life," I share a unique D-A-N-C-E framework as a guiding philosophy. With a focus on self-discovery, taking action, cultivating joy, and embracing connections, I inspire others to embrace life. Through engaging talks and tap dance sessions, I invite individuals to tap into their joy and lead a life filled with purpose, creativity, and vitality.


"Ashley's energy is infectious! Her talk not only inspired me to dance through life but also had me eagerly searching for tap shoes as soon as it ended. Her unique blend of fun and focused action is the perfect recipe for a joy-filled and purpose-driven life!"

- Cynthia Stevens

"I've never felt so motivated and uplifted after a talk! Ashley's enthusiasm for life is contagious, making me want to embrace every moment and, of course, start tap dancing. Her ability to balance fun with actionable insights is truly a gift. I can't wait for the next session!"

- William Hodgkins

"Ashley brings a refreshing perspective to life with her dynamic talk. It's not just about tapping into the joy of dance, but also about tapping into a more intentional and vibrant existence. Her energy is invigorating, leaving me ready to conquer life with a skip in my step and maybe a new pair of tap shoes!"

- Susan Forsyth