Welcome to TapFitFam, where community meets wellness! Our memberships are designed to cater to your specific needs, offering a range of benefits tailored to support your fitness journey and well-being.

Tap in 10 Membership

Struggling to find time for consistent movement or craving more tap dancing fun? Join Tap in 10 for quick, effective, and enjoyable bite-sized tap classes every week!

2-Day Trial: Experience Tap in 10 with our no-obligation 2-day trial. Get a taste of our weekly lessons and see how 10 minutes a week can transform your dance journey.

Start Tapping - Free Trial!

AbunDance Membership

Tap into your health and happiness with our AbunDANCE Membership Programā€”a transformative journey to elevate your dance skills and enrich your life with rhythm, joy, and creativity.

2-Day Trial:Ā Experience AbunDance with our 2-day trial. Explore weekly dance classes, step by step library, monthlyĀ coaching sessions, and our supportive community to see how AbunDance can enhance your dance through life.

Join AbunDance - Free Trial!

Fitness 15 Membership

Looking for targeted workouts to enhance strength and flexibility? Fitness 15 is your go-to!Ā Transform your fitness journey with Fitness 15: dance technique fused with fitness exercises. High leverage moves to fit the most into your 15 minutes!

2-Day Trial: Experience Fitness 15 with our 2-day trial. Dive into our sessions and see how Fitness 15 can boost your strength and flexibility.

Begin Your Fitness 15 - Free Trial!