Intermediate Tap Dance Routine To 'Marathon' By Connor Price

"Elevate your dance skills today with our captivating Intermediate Tap Dance Routine!"

Class Date and Time: July 13th at 12 PM EST

What You'll Get:

🟪 Experience the Rhythm: Dive into our expertly choreographed routine set to 'Marathon' by Connor Price, designed to challenge and inspire.

🟪 Guidance from the Best: Receive personalized instruction from acclaimed dancer and instructor, Ashley Borromeo.

🟪 Join a Vibrant Community: Connect with fellow dancers in our supportive community, sharing your passion for dance.

Additional Details:

🟪 Secure Checkout: Your payment details are securely processed to ensure peace of mind.

What People Are Saying:

"GREAT CLASS! Thank you so much! I will definitely be back for more. Have a great night!"

Jennifer Roberts

"Just took the class and had a lovely time."

Kathryn Coombs

"I had such a fun time doing the class on Saturday. I loved the combo—it's fun and challenging! I haven’t done shiggy/shiggity bops in a while, so that’s one to work on 😆. I'm looking forward to rewatching the video and practicing this one for a while. Thanks again!!!"

Katie Howard

"Girl! I just restarted and got through Part 2, then went back and did Part 1. Next up is the tempo section. I've been tapping for 25 years, and you had all my brain cells working tonight! I love your teaching style ❤️ Also, super fun!"

Marena Smith

$20.00 USD

Service Agreement for "Intermediate Tap Dance Routine to 'Marathon' by Connor Price" Class

This Service Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between TapFitFam, LLC ("Service Provider") and the participant ("Participant") for the "Intermediate Tap Dance Routine to 'Marathon' by Connor Price" Class (the "Class").

1. Scope of Services:

The Service Provider agrees to deliver the specified class content as outlined in the class description to the Participant.

2. Participant Responsibilities:

The Participant is responsible for ensuring they have tap shoes, suitable flooring (wood, marley, etc.), and an internet connection for participation in the virtual class.

3. Liability Waiver:

The Participant acknowledges that participation in the class involves physical activity. By voluntarily participating, the Participant assumes all risks and liabilities associated with such activities. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any injuries, damages, losses, or any other claims arising from the Participant's participation in the class.

4. Intellectual Property:

The Service Provider retains all intellectual property rights to the class content, including but not limited to instructional materials, presentations, and any other materials provided.

5. Music Usage:

The Service Provider does not own the rights to the music used in the class. The use of music is solely for instructional and entertainment purposes during the class. The Participant agrees not to record or reproduce the music used in the class for any purpose other than personal use.

6. Confidentiality:

Any information shared by the Participant during the class will be treated as confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties.

7. Registration Fee:

The Participant agrees to pay the specified registration fee for access to the class, as outlined in the class description.

8. Refund Policy:

The registration fee is non-refundable, except in cases where the Service Provider cancels the class.

9. Miscellaneous:

Any modifications to this Agreement must be made in writing and agreed upon by both parties. By registering and participating in the "Intermediate Tap Dance Routine to 'Marathon' by Connor Price" Class, the Participant acknowledges that they have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in this Service Agreement.

Service Provider: Ashley Borromeo
TapFitFam, LLC
[email protected]

Participant: Person registering for this Intermediate Tap Dance Routine to 'Marathon' by Connor Price Class

Dated on the day of transaction